Friday 16 November 2012

Digipack Idea's.

Front Cover - We will be having our artist leaning against a wall, which is wallpapered, has a table and lamp in the corner, and a rug on the floor. His guitar will be leaning against the wall with him.

Inlay 1 - Our artist with his back to the camera, about to rip down the wallpaper.

Inlay 2 - Ripping down the wallpaper.

Inlay 4 - Montage of pictures, pictures from the beach, producing the video, behind the scenes footage. Makes the audience feel like they are getting some added extra photo's of the artist.

Back Cover - Sitting cross legged, back to the camera, looking up at the wallpaper that he has ripped down. There will be the lyrics to our song on bricks underneath the wallpaper.

We have decided that we are going to have our photo shoot for our digipack this week. We need to book and check when one of the rooms at school is available. We have chosen to use this certain room because the wall is long enough and is suitable for us to place the wallpaper on the walls. It also means that if we ever feel that we don't like the photo's we have taken, we know we can go back and take more.

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