Sunday 4 November 2012

Class Feedback.

We played our song to the rest of the members of our class, and asked them to write down any idea's that came to their heads that might help us to come up with some idea's of our own. The feedback that we got back was:

Key Words - 

Sunset, fields, happy, upbeat, urban, acoustic, guitar, mellow, love, relaxing, city scene, flashback, eyes, beach, black and white, sun, drums, dancing.

After reviewing all of these idea's and going through them, our group came to the conclusion that everyone felt that the song was very upbeat, and had a happy side to it. They also thought that it was a very romantic song, and that he should be singing it for one girl in particular. 

These idea's fitted in well with some of the ones that we had already come up with for our video.

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