Monday, 29 October 2012

Practise Footage.

This is some of the practice footage that we filmed. We found a location in school and tried different shots with the dolly and camera to see if we could get any idea's from shots that we liked. We then put this footage on the computer and went over any shots that we thought were good and any that we didn't think would work or would be possible to do.

Because we are filming at the beach, this means that the sand will make it impossible for us to use the dolly. It won't be able to move around easily on grass or on sand, meaning that some of the practice footage that we gathered won't be able to be used in our music video.

We did however, gather a very nice shot of the fret board of the guitar. We decided that we wanted to use this type of shot in our music video. Practicing filming and shots really helped us understand what camera angles would work and which ones wouldn't. 

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