Monday 29 October 2012


As part of our coursework, we will also need to create a digipack. This means the front cover, back cover and the inlays of a C.D. A digipack is important because it shows off the artist in whatever way that they want the audience to perceive them. It gives the artist the chance to reach out to fans, by putting on the inlays their thanks to everyone who has supported/worked on the album. 

We thought that for our digipack, we would name our album "Tearing Back The Wallpaper" to represent the fact that our artist is tearing back everything unessential in his life, and looking at only the things that really matters to him, which in his case is his music.

Our front cover will be him standing against a wallpapered wall, holding his guitar. The next inlay will show him ripping off a sheet of this wallpaper from the wall. The next inlay will show the fact that there are the lyrics to his song "Hazel Eyes" on a brick wall behind the wall paper. The back cover will show his back, with him sitting cross legged on the floor, you can't see his face but you can see that he is staring up at the torn wallpaper with his lyrics behind it.

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