Tuesday 30 October 2012

Magazine Advert. - Kate Nash.

Magazine Advert, Kate Nash.

Artist - The artists name is Kate Nash.
Album - The album is called "Made of Bricks"
Genre - Indie - pop
Photography - There is a dolls house which looks very unrealstic with the animal shaped bushes. It looks almost as if it is a cartoon and has all been done of the computer. It makes her look very youthful and playful and very childlike, almost as if she has never grown up.
Colour Scheme - They have decided to use all bright colours, and she stands out in her bright red dress. The use of the bright yellows, greens and blue reiterate the childlike and playful image that they are trying to go for. 
Fonts - Her name looks as if a child has written it. This all goes with the fact that the whole album looks very child like and as if she wants to show off her youthful side and the fact that she just wants to have fun. 

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