Thursday 21 June 2012

Music Video's Analysed

Mockingbird - Eminem 

"This is an example of Eminem's rap storytelling ability, another being "Stan". The lyrics are a personal, undisguised account of his early relationship with his wife and daughters. Critics praised the song for its lyrics. This song mixes an original rap dialogue about Eminem's failed marriage, as he apologizes to his daughters with a straight melodic version of the traditional "Mockingbird" lullaby called "Hush, Little Baby". The second verse was about the difficulties including Kim and Eminem's divorce and the beginning of Eminem's fame. The music video begins with Eminem watching a compilation of his home videos of Hailie and Laney Mathers, which is the majority of the video including footage of Eminem at the MTV Video Music Awards and studio footage with Dr. Dre when Eminem raps about his life changing."

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