Sunday 8 July 2012

Planning for the video.

We decided to have a trial run of the balloon scene. We thought that this would be a good idea because once we have let go of the balloons we wont be able to get them back. This means that we only have one chance to do the scene. We have bought a set of helium balloons to use for the real scene, but we have also got one spare so that we can make sure that the camera is positioned correctly and that the lighting is how we want it to be. 

We want to make sure that we have the camera positioned in the correct way and that our artist is sitting in the correct position. With the trial run we are able to make sure that we don't mess up the shot when we actually go to do it. 

We were also thinking of having bubbles floating at the same time as the balloons going up because we think that this will give it a better effect. Seeing as we can't copy the video completely, as some elements are too hard to re-create, having the bubbles might make the video look more special and thought out. 

This is the balloon scene from the video 'You've Got The Love' by Florence and the Machine.

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