Sunday 8 July 2012

Planning for the video 2

Costume: There will be 2 costume changes. When the artist is on top of the black blocks, she will be wearing a grey coloured dress. When she is in front of the white screen, she will be dressed completely in white. 

Location: We will be shooting in the drama studio as it has the black, dark room and the spotlights that we will be needing. It also has a white background that we can use for the scene where she is in front of the plain white screen.

Camera Shots: We will need the camera to be in all different types of positions. We need to zoom up in the artists face quite a lot. We also need to get shots where you can only see part of her body, like her head and torso. Then we will need a more zoomed out shot where you can see her whole body. The camera will have to move around a lot also. 

Props: We will be needing helium balloons that will be released for a scene in the video. We will also be needing bubbles for that scene as well. We also need them 2 large black blocks that we can stand on top of each other that our artist can stand on to perform. She will also need to sit down on them also at one point. We will also need to have a silver sparkly string of glitter to hang on the box's and also to use in the scene where the artist is in front of the white background.

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